Monday, 13 June 2016

VIBE Disco nights are run by experienced and professional staff and volunteers from Y Services. Activities will also be available to promote healthy lifestyles, anti-bullying campaigns, special interests, as well as dancing and singing groups.
Please note photographs may be taken at VIBE discos, if you do not consent to your photo being taken, or if you do not consent to your child's photo being taken on the night, please let a member of staff know. Photographs will only ever be used for VIBE promotion
Entry to VIBE. No alcohol. No cigarettes. No drugs. No gum. No aerosols.
At 10pm young people will be free to leave we will encourage them to wait in the Waitrose car park opposite. Please do not pull outside the centre as this will be dangerous for other and you will be asked to move on. If you wish your child to wait to be collected you must arrange this with them. Young people will be free to wait in the foyer till a parent turns up to collect them. Please note we can not stop young people leaving. There will be NO re entry.
For more information please call 01489 808040